3 normal yoga postures that you may have done wrong, and how to solve them

3 normal yoga postures that you may have done wrong, and how to solve them

If you do not pose correctly, not only will you lose the benefits of yoga, but dislocations can cause injuries (Oh!). Even if you practice yoga in the registry, you can easily find the automatic driving mode and can make your position less self-disciplined. The co-founder of Sky Ting Yoga, Krissy Jones, shows the right approach here, pointing out three common positions that can go wrong.

Through the side-by-side video clips, Jones shows us how to make pigeon postures, side panels and postures with wheels so that he looks and feels better when practicing yoga. These postures are good hip openers that improve the flexibility of the spine while strengthening the wrists, legs, and core. Use these helpful tips to correct your form and get the most out of your next vynasa course.

Pigeon posture
Fix: Keep the hips square.

Side panel
Solution: Make sure your hips are flush with your shoulders.

Wheel Pose
Repair: press firmly against the floor and place your feet in parallel.
3 normal yoga postures that you may have done wrong, and how to solve them 3 normal yoga postures that you may have done wrong, and how to solve them Reviewed by Wisal Salar on June 25, 2019 Rating: 5

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