Technician 5G reveals the damage he thinks 5G will cause

Technician 5G reveals the damage he thinks 5G will cause

Simply speaking
Fact: Recently, a cell phone scaler shared a video about his concern about 5G wireless technology and explained his findings through his research and experience. He uploaded the video to your YouTube and Facebook pages, which is very viral.
Reflection: How have these technologies been introduced after thousands of studies have shown significant harmful effects? How do they get approval without the appropriate safety testing from our federal health regulator?

The release of 5G is another good example of how our federal health regulators are fully engaged by powerful companies. You will think that more than 10,000 peer-reviewed studies show that there is a significant danger in the case of excessive electromagnetic radiation, which is experienced by our planet, which requires some safety testing. The truth is that if they pass any type of security test, they will not be approved. Published studies have shown that neuropsychiatric diseases associated with other serious diseases, reduced sperm count, brain damage and cancer are clearly linked. The science is very clear.

Now those who have received training in the installation of these new technologies are beginning to see the danger very clearly, and one has decided to comment on this topic.

His name is Ian Furgeson, who presented the video on Facebook so that more people participate in the conversation, and probably did not know it before. He also put it on his YouTube channel, where he can see what he said next.

He explained how he installed climbers that allowed telecommunications to operate equipment. He is currently working on 5G training to explain how he cares about technology, even before he understands technology. He explained that the radio frequency is very different from the radiation currently emitted by the battery tower, and this radiation is still harmful. 5G is more harmful and more intense. He explained how 5G will be issued in gigahertz (instead of megahertz), which is 15,000 times stronger than what we have received now.

Science has shown obvious signs of danger.

As the science is so clear, people like Martin L. Pall, Ph.D. Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry and Basic Medicine at Washington State University described a series of health risks associated with 5G technology and wireless radiation in a new report. Among them, he said that 5G is "the most stupid idea in the history of the world." You can read more about this particular story here.

It is very encouraging that health professionals come together more and more to raise awareness about this. For example, Dr. Sharon Goldberg, a physician and professor, recently testified about the dangers of electromagnetic radiation. She said: "Wireless radiation has a biological effect during the period." You can see these testimonials here.

Scientists in Queens Park (Toronto) met to recommend that the government of Ontario take action to protect public health before launching 5G mobile technology, and physicians should treat patients who are overexposed to wireless radiation. At the public hearing, Dr. Anthony Miller, professor emeritus at the University of Toronto and consultant to the International Agency for Research on Cancer, said: "Many scientists around the world now believe that radiofrequency radiation should be updated at humans as a human carcinogen, and cigarettes, X- Rays and asbestos have the same list. "

Dr. Martin Blank, of the Department of Physiology and Cellular Biophysics at Columbia University, has similar statements. They stated clearly: "Speaking bluntly, they are destroying living cells in our bodies and killing them, many of us are too soon" (source)

If you want to go through scientific research and get a lot of research in the field, a good starting point is the Environmental Health Fund.

However, progress is being made. For example, the Belgian government minister announced that, due to health effects, Brussels is stopping its 5G plan.

Our collective evolution is also part of us, and we are planning an in-depth investigation of the telecommunications industry, which is politically relevant and exposes its efforts to promote 5G without ignoring the dangers and without adequate safety tests. However, due to all the reviews and non-monetization we are experiencing, we can not do it without your support.

You can join this campaign to help stop 5G.

Since we saw this topic and some health professionals, scientists and journalists on this subject, I think it is a good idea to provide a video of people who use this technology directly. Keep in mind that some workers have installed this technology there and have been working on cell phone towers for many years.

Take away Do not be afraid
Our 5G infrastructure research is a way to start working on this topic.

You can join this campaign to help stop 5G.

In addition, much of this information will lead to terrible reactions, which is normal. It can cause terrible reactions to other humanitarian problems, including a large number of pesticides that are sprayed on our environment and food, the increasing rate of deforestation and other aspects of human experience that must change. It is important not to react to fear and panic. More importantly, do not completely ignore these things and think that everything will magically improve.

Due to our ignorance, the earth has been swallowed up by this chaos because we ignore these important scientific discoveries. If we continue this path, the rate of illness will continue to rise. Consciousness is the key, but being told that the problem is a big step in the right direction.

So, what can you do? You can buy EMF protective clothing and bedding, or even paint your house with EMF protection paint. You can disconnect your computer when you are not using it, turn it off and unplug all electronic devices before going to bed. You can have a wired Internet connection that is actually much faster than any wireless connection. You can lead a healthy lifestyle and use physical and mental recovery techniques to help you.

I have written many articles on hyperpsychology, and it is clear that our thoughts will have a great impact on our biology. I know this sounds a bit "new and old", but the truth is that if you do not believe that you have been hurt, your biological impact may be greater than that of those who are afraid and stressed by health problems. Different Consciousness is huge and is one of the most important factors in preventive measures.

You can get more information about this balance through our CE agreement.

You can help block 5G infrastructure.

We plan to investigate the telecommunications industry, which is politically relevant and exposes its efforts to promote 5G without ignoring the dangers and without proper security tests, but we can not do it without your support.

We have launched a funding campaign to advance our efforts in this area because we believe that we can make a difference and have a solid plan to achieve it.

Take a look at our plans and join our campaigns.
Technician 5G reveals the damage he thinks 5G will cause Technician 5G reveals the damage he thinks 5G will cause Reviewed by Wisal Salar on June 30, 2019 Rating: 5

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